Workshop Testimonials

Ken didn’t think it would work…

“Is it really that easy?”

That’s the question I asked Nick on our second night out.

I had just finished dancing with a beautiful Venezuelan woman, probably the most attractive woman I had seen in my life.  She was curvy in all the best ways and wore provocative clothing that would put your jaw on the floor if you saw her.  

After we had a seemingly instant connection, I offered to teach her how to Texas Two Step (something I learned about an hour earlier) and even though nobody else was dancing she was eager. Seconds later, we were in a seemingly different universe with just the two of us in it, with one of my hands holding her hand and the other hand on her waist.

My friends, the other guys in the workshop, asked me what I said to start the conversation, curious to know the secret.  I struggled to explain it. I walked up to her, tapped her on the shoulder, looked her in the eyes, and she immediately started talking to me before I had a chance to say anything.

It hadn’t always been like that for me. 

About three months ago I hit rock bottom.  My fiance, a girl I’d been with for about 7 years, dumped me.  About a month after that I was fired from my job.  And a couple weeks after that I found out my ex was planning to get married to her guy friend she met while we were together.

I did some stuff to get my self-esteem out of the dumpster.  Got in better shape.  Learned how to dress a little better.  Started training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.  Got a job offer for a better job than I had lost.  Everything was on a pretty good trajectory.  Except this “girls” thing…

I got a targeted Facebook Ad for “The Social Man”. The main guy, Christian Hudson, seemed like he wanted to help guys find connections with women vs. “10 things to say to bang sluts” type guys I’ve seen in other places.  The thing I liked about the social man stuff was they invited a lot of different guys to teach it.   Tripp Kramer (TrippAdvice) did part, and I thought his inclusion in that course was a little weird at first, but seemed like a cool guy and his content was actually pretty helpful.  The other instructors didn’t really resonate with me.  

Except this Nick guy…

Nick was the most sexual guy I had seen, but he actually looked more like me than the other guys.  He was tall, a little lanky.  Pretty normal looking.  He wasn’t wearing a leather jacket, with sunglasses, covered in tattoos or “traditional bad boy” looks that were definitely not me or would make me super uncomfortable.  Everything he did seemed genuine and when I saw him he gave me a crazy idea “Maybe I can do this too.”

So I signed up.

The workshop itself was actually pretty much the opposite of what I expected.  

Nick’s approach is very much a “Learning By Doing”.  It’s about installing new patterns, ideas, mindsets and beliefs into our brain.   Throughout the exercises, Nick would remind us: “You guys have no problem walking up to these beautiful women here and doing this now.  When you’re talking to women tonight, remember…. it’s no different.  Do exactly this.”

And you kind of don’t believe him when he says it. 

Those women were there to be nice to us and give us practice.  Women in the real world… they’re totally different.  Right?

The first night out, I probably talked to 15 or 20 beautiful women.  Two in particular, I had a particularly great connection with.  Second night was fun, too.  Probably talked to 50 beautiful women that night.  The bar for connecting was higher, but everything was also just a lot easier because I had gotten better at it.

The thing about what Nick teaches is when you start trying it, you don’t really believe it’s going to work as well as it will, but you kind of try it in spite of feeling like there is no chance it could possibly work.  The main thing Nick teaches is so counterintuitive and the exact opposite of what you have always done and the exact opposite of how your brain is wired to work. 

But the more you embrace it, the more it works.  

It’s like a snowball.  The positive experience brainwashes you from fighting your inner talk to knowing deep down you have something to offer that the other person is in desperate desire for. I’m convinced there’s no other way to get this reprogramming down to the core in any other way, besides working with Nick.

Now that it’s over, everything is different.

It’s like playing the game of life with cheat codes.  Not just women who are hot.  Everyone.  Old women.  Men.  Everyone.

When I was reading the other testimonials that Nick had on his website before signing up, I didn’t really believe them.  I thought, “well it’s probably not as life changing as everyone else keeps saying.  But you know what, if it makes me 20% better, small improvements will stack up and it’ll probably be worth it.” 

Man was I wrong.

I talked to so many women during this weekend and they were extremely receptive to me.  It all started with a couple of extremely attractive 21 year old blondes drinking martinis, which is crazy because I’m 37.  A gorgeous 35 year old woman from Wisconsin who was delighted to talk to me.  A beautiful singer from a coverband who remembered my name when I bumped into her the next night.  One of the other women I talked to just offered me her number without me asking. I deeply connected with 13 or 14 women, all breathtaking. As well as that Venezuelan woman I mentioned at the beginning… that woman was something else.

It’s so effortless now.  Everything is so easy. 

And when I look back at my previous interactions with women it doesn’t even make sense.

Thank you, Nick, for changing my life. 

Ken, San Francisco, 9/16/2023
Taken from
The Dojo